From the time man first invented the wheel, the power of persuasion has been paramount to the building of success. History is proof that stories live on beyond us, that stories matter: because that’s how we learn, share, marvel and grow. That’s how we ‘feel.’
How are you telling your story? Stories are not meant to be one-dimensional. Your audience should be able to walk alongside your story, able to touch and feel and aspire, so that they too can see your vision. We can help you create this persuasive experience, though the Innovation Studio. Simply put, the Innovation Studio is a physical space that is built to deliver the ‘feel’ that your product or service brings to your prospective clients. Whether you want this customised experience to be onsite, offsite or remote, Innovation Studio delivers real time engagement, and a far more effective story.
You benefit from the professional expertise of a specialised team, as well as our access to proven resources, while we deliver maximum value and quicker turnaround time to your project.
Putting your key prospect in a livelier, dynamic and real time experience of a solution is what Innovation Studio delivers. The experience is an engaging and inspiring setting that promotes dialog and creativity. By offering them a peek into the future, surprise your audience with what they will ‘feel’ with your solution. Break free from the traditional corporate experience centre or hosted presentation, and let them LIVE the story with you.
Through collaborative partnerships, and teams that include multi-disciplinary experts (think user interface experts, creative directors, new-age architects and award-winning designers) to deliver built spaces.
These Innovation Studios encourage interaction and participation. Your audience can touch and feel the solution in real coordinates. Through frontier technologies (think Google Glass, Oculus, 3D projections and huge touch screens), these spaces bring together clients, designers, strategists, technologists and partners to visualize, prototype and plan any digital initiative. Avanara collaborates through the entire spectrum of building an Innovation Studio: from planning, to execution and management.
Avanara’s Innovation Studio solution does not end with space design and the act of building; rather it is initialised from here onwards. A space tailor-built for you can also be run and managed by Avanara.
From the building and staffing of teams and talent, to managing the day-to-day operations; from experience support to design collateral, we deliver the ‘show’ your story needs.